Thursday, March 19, 2020

Hello my lovely Kinders and their families!

Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed. I hope that you are all enjoying the extra time with your family this week - it is perfect tobogganing or 'family walk' weather! I have been working from home since mid week with my son and I am okay!

The classroom was so quiet without you! I really miss seeing your smiling faces every morning/afternoon...

I hope you know that you are all amazing Kindergarten students! 
Keep reading, writing, drawing detailed pictures with labels that help to tell the story, playing math games, baking with your parents, playing with your siblings, making lists, going on alphabet hunts around the house (sticky notes are great for this), going on imaginative adventures (could you draw and label a map to find some hidden treasure in your house?), doing your own loose parts story telling, making a menu for a pretend kitchen/restaurant.... you've got this!

I know that many of you are excited to get back to your regular school routine ... all while wearing your pjs at home this time. We are working on figuring out a way that we can work together to continue our Kindergarten learning!

*Parents: we are still working closely with the CBE to determine exactly what our Kindergarten learning will look like after Spring Break.
Please stay tuned and we will let you know more as soon as we know!

Until then ...
Don't forget that you can still use:

  • RazKids - I have reset everyones level back to "aa"
  • Youtube - JollyPhonics, HaveFunTeaching (letters A-Z), StoryBots
The CBE also has some awesome suggestions for you that you can find here or at this link:

Please know that I am thinking about you all the time! If you need anything or would like to share what you have been up to these past few days I would love to hear from you -
Stay safe and healthy!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Terrific Thursday!

This morning the AM Kinders were so lucky to have the amazing yoga teacher Mrs. Hays (Felix's mom) teach them a yoga class!

We then completed our animals for our habitats! THe Kinders worked VERY hard at adding details to their animals.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wintery Wednesday!

This morning the AM students completed adding the finishing touches to their Fun Facts page of their animal book.

They had both PE and Music - ask your child what fitness skills they have been working on in PE.

This afternoon the students worked on completing their last page, the Fun Facts page - we will finish it up tomorrow afternoon.

Rock Stars of the Day

Ellis is part of a soccer community. Ellis told us that it is important that you look at the ball and your team members before you pass - if you do this you will score. Working together is very important in soccer. Ellis said he is really good at passing the soccer ball and scoring!

Izakai likes to go sledding by the Jr. High school. Izakai said you have to be careful when sliding down because of the ice. He likes to go down the hill on a sled the most.

- No school for Kindergarten students next Thursday and Friday due to parent conferences
- A link will be sent out tomorrow to book your conference time
- Spring break is from March 23-27

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Happy Tuesday!

This morning the AM Kinders completed the last page in their animal research book - Fun Facts.

Our kindergarten spelling is AMAZING! We are all working at writing the dominant sound or dominant sounds that we hear!
We are so excited for you to see their completed books - until then we will keep them a secret ;)

Afternoon Kinder's had both PE and music this afternoon. They completed the cover page of their book and will be completing their Fun Facts page tomorrow.

On Thursday a link will be sent out to book your conference time for next Thursday or Friday.

Rock Stars of the Day

Lee shared with us his Ukulele. Lee said that he has a teacher teach him how to play. Lee's sister is also learning to play it. Lee showed us what he does with his "pick"
Jager is part of the soccer community. Jager likes to stop goals and like to pass the ball to his friends to try and score. Jager like to work with his team to score. 

Monday, March 9, 2020

Monday Monday Monday

Well today was a double whammy with the time change and a full moon!

However, despite all of that both the AM and PM Kinders worked really hard on their animal booklets. Today we added details and colored our Habitat and Features pages.

We have one page left to complete and it is the "fun facts" page - at home you could ask your child what their favourite fact is about their chosen animal -  Perhaps it is that they hibernate, change colors depending on the season, shed their antlers, can swim with their long legs, have a really unique way of protecting themselves (quills), have teeth that never stop growing, have long claws that allow them to dig up roots to eat, have large feet to help them bounce through snow, have really large eyes that help them see and hunt at night, are awake in the night and asleep in the day....

Rock Stars of the Day

Kylie is part of a gymnastics and piano community. Kylie said hr favourite thing that she does with her gymnastics group is coming up with tricks and practising moves on the trampoline. Kylie likes learning new songs when playing the piano. Kylie said that in both of these communities you learn new skills to go up a level.
Jackson is part of a Muay Thai community. Jackson likes to practise his situps, jumping jacks, roundhouses, upper cuts, crosses and jab crosses. Jackson likes doing roundhouses the most because "they teach you how to defend yourself when you have no other choice you can defend yourself"

- Friday is AM Kinders
- NO school next Thursday and Friday for Kindergarten students
- Parent Conferences Thursday and Friday next week - an email to book will be sent out on March 12th
- Spring Break is March 23rd-27th

Friday, March 6, 2020

Magic Breath

This morning was a calm morning.
We started off with a short yoga session and mindful breathing time.

Next, we read the book, Magic Breath.

Each student spent time thinking about all the things that make them happy. 

We then spent time mindfully breathing ... thinking about what makes us happy and blowing out happy thoughts...

My Magic breath makes me happy.

  • Lyla: Playing with my mom and brother and my dog and my dad.
  • Roman: Building a snow hill with my brothers and my mom.
  • Andrew: Playing mini sticks with my Dad
  • Emma: Being with my dog and my stuffy dog that reminds me of my other dog that passed away
  • Viana: Playing with my neighbours makes me happy
  • Benjamin: Playing with my sister makes me happy
  • Jackson: My mom and my dad make me happy
  • Logan: When I go to the movies with my family I am happy
  • Ayla: Going to my cousins house makes me happy
  • Ava: Going places with my daddy makes me happy
  • Izakai: Going to a hotel with my family makes me happy
  • Doris: When I play with my sister and I see her at school
  • Jaden: When my grandma takes me to school I am happy
  • Farzana: I like to go to school and play with my friends then I am happy
  • Blakely: What makes me happy is when I am with my puppy
  • Elijah: I am happy playing with my little brother, his name is Asher
  • Alister: Snuggling with my mom and dad before I go to sleep makes me happy
  • Amreen: When I go back home from school and play with my mom
  • Kaiya: When I go to Granary Road with my parents
  • Jager: I like it when I play with my toys, I am happy then

 Using a color wheel, we focused on COOL colors. We then thought about the cool colors that make us happy.

We painted our magic breath...

We had buddies today and practised reading with our buddies.

Roman was our Rock Star Today

Roman is part of a gymnastics community. Roman's favourite thing to do is to swing on the bars and jump into the foam pit. Roman's mom is also a coach at gymnastics. Roman is also part of Ukranian Dancing. Roman follows his friends Caroline - he said you have to make a circle or oval and stop at your spot and move forwards, split apart, and then make a circle around the X.

Have a great weekend!

Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...