Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wintery Wednesday!

This morning the AM students completed adding the finishing touches to their Fun Facts page of their animal book.

They had both PE and Music - ask your child what fitness skills they have been working on in PE.

This afternoon the students worked on completing their last page, the Fun Facts page - we will finish it up tomorrow afternoon.

Rock Stars of the Day

Ellis is part of a soccer community. Ellis told us that it is important that you look at the ball and your team members before you pass - if you do this you will score. Working together is very important in soccer. Ellis said he is really good at passing the soccer ball and scoring!

Izakai likes to go sledding by the Jr. High school. Izakai said you have to be careful when sliding down because of the ice. He likes to go down the hill on a sled the most.

- No school for Kindergarten students next Thursday and Friday due to parent conferences
- A link will be sent out tomorrow to book your conference time
- Spring break is from March 23-27

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...