Thursday, March 19, 2020

Hello my lovely Kinders and their families!

Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed. I hope that you are all enjoying the extra time with your family this week - it is perfect tobogganing or 'family walk' weather! I have been working from home since mid week with my son and I am okay!

The classroom was so quiet without you! I really miss seeing your smiling faces every morning/afternoon...

I hope you know that you are all amazing Kindergarten students! 
Keep reading, writing, drawing detailed pictures with labels that help to tell the story, playing math games, baking with your parents, playing with your siblings, making lists, going on alphabet hunts around the house (sticky notes are great for this), going on imaginative adventures (could you draw and label a map to find some hidden treasure in your house?), doing your own loose parts story telling, making a menu for a pretend kitchen/restaurant.... you've got this!

I know that many of you are excited to get back to your regular school routine ... all while wearing your pjs at home this time. We are working on figuring out a way that we can work together to continue our Kindergarten learning!

*Parents: we are still working closely with the CBE to determine exactly what our Kindergarten learning will look like after Spring Break.
Please stay tuned and we will let you know more as soon as we know!

Until then ...
Don't forget that you can still use:

  • RazKids - I have reset everyones level back to "aa"
  • Youtube - JollyPhonics, HaveFunTeaching (letters A-Z), StoryBots
The CBE also has some awesome suggestions for you that you can find here or at this link:

Please know that I am thinking about you all the time! If you need anything or would like to share what you have been up to these past few days I would love to hear from you -
Stay safe and healthy!

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...