Monday, March 9, 2020

Monday Monday Monday

Well today was a double whammy with the time change and a full moon!

However, despite all of that both the AM and PM Kinders worked really hard on their animal booklets. Today we added details and colored our Habitat and Features pages.

We have one page left to complete and it is the "fun facts" page - at home you could ask your child what their favourite fact is about their chosen animal -  Perhaps it is that they hibernate, change colors depending on the season, shed their antlers, can swim with their long legs, have a really unique way of protecting themselves (quills), have teeth that never stop growing, have long claws that allow them to dig up roots to eat, have large feet to help them bounce through snow, have really large eyes that help them see and hunt at night, are awake in the night and asleep in the day....

Rock Stars of the Day

Kylie is part of a gymnastics and piano community. Kylie said hr favourite thing that she does with her gymnastics group is coming up with tricks and practising moves on the trampoline. Kylie likes learning new songs when playing the piano. Kylie said that in both of these communities you learn new skills to go up a level.
Jackson is part of a Muay Thai community. Jackson likes to practise his situps, jumping jacks, roundhouses, upper cuts, crosses and jab crosses. Jackson likes doing roundhouses the most because "they teach you how to defend yourself when you have no other choice you can defend yourself"

- Friday is AM Kinders
- NO school next Thursday and Friday for Kindergarten students
- Parent Conferences Thursday and Friday next week - an email to book will be sent out on March 12th
- Spring Break is March 23rd-27th

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...