Thursday, February 20, 2020

Terrific Thursday! It was a busy busy day today. The students completed a math task and started working on their habitat dioramas.

Representing Number 7
Today we continued out investigation into number 7 and looked at how many ways we can make 7 using 2-sided counters. Students independently dumped 7 counters on the table and recorded all the different number pairs.

Habitat Creation
Today we started our habitats for our animals. Each student chose an animal that they will be the expert on! We will continue working on this throughout the week. We will also be creating an informational booklet using our learning knowledge about the animals habitat, food, appearance and an interesting fact.

Rock Stars of the Day (today and yesterday)

Almira's community is her gymnastics community.

Doris' community is our classroom and our school.
Amreen is part of the soccer community in New Brighton
- Tomorrow is AM Kinders
- Next Friday Feb 28th there is NO school for New Brighton Students

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...