Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday Monday

What a snowy Monday!

Students started their day off with new learning tables. This week they focus on:
- Journal Writing - drawing and labeling their pictures
- More or Less - matching number quantities and determining which amounts are more or less than a given number
- Number Pairs for #8
- Matching numbers to color words

Both the AM and PM Kinders had gym today where they worked on their throwing to a target skills.

Representing Number 8

We continued our number investigation and worked on representing number 8 today.
How many different ways can we represent a number?
- 10 frame
- Numberline
- 2 different colors (number pairs - ex: to make number 8 there could be 3 reds and 5 white)
- Loose parts
- Numerals
- Fingers
- Tally lines

The AM students completed their diorama for their chosen animal. We did a vote today and they voted to keep their dioramas secret until you see them at conferences at the end of march. I will tell you that they look AMAZING and the students worked very hard at adding details to it.
PM students will be completing theirs on Thursday.

Rock Stars of the Day (Friday and today)

Jaxon's community is his boxing community. He goes to boxing with his Dad. He said they also have to follow rules when there. He likes to kick things the most.

Evan's community is his soccer community. His Mom was also the coach and she helped to teach them.
One of Elijah's communities that he belongs to is his gymnastics community. He likes doing everything that his teacher teaches him there. 

- Wednesday is Pink Shirt Day - we will be looking at ways that we can be kind or show kindness - what are some ways that you can think of at home?
- Friday there is NO school for New Brighton Students
- There will be a letter sent home tomorrow explaining the field trip in May that the Kinder students will be going on.
On May 21st the AM students will be going on an all day field trip to Telus Spark.
On May 20th the PM students will be going on an all day field trip to Telus Spark.
We wanted to give you lots of notice due to the change in schedule for the kids.
The field trip forms will be sent home closer to the dates of the field trip. 

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...