Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thursday ... that was sort of like a Friday since there is no school tomorrow for students.

This morning the AM students started their morning by finishing their Kindness page in their visual journals.

Next, we completed an animal art work piece that will be displayed during conferences in March.

We were lucky to be able to see the Grade 2 celebration of learning this morning as well!

This afternoon the students completed their animal habitat dioramas - the students also wanted to keep these secret so that you can see them in March.
We promise to show you our animals that we are making next week :)

Rock Stars of the Day

Felix is part of a large Timbits hockey community. Felix shared with us his super cool move that he does when he scores a goal. Felix and his team work together to take turns being goalie - one of Felix's favourite positions!

Jaden shared about his Taekwondo community. Jaden told us that he has to listen, follow directions and learn new things to get a new stripe on his belt.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

K is for Kindness!

Today was PINK shirt day. 
Together we spent some time brainstorming different ways that we can show Kindness.

We then spent time drawing how we show Kindness.
AM had gym and music so we will be finishing our drawings tomorrow.

How can we show Kindness at home? How does your family show Kindness?

Zoe shared with us her Acro Dance. She said she loves learning new moves. 

Viana is part of a gymnastics community. She likes to swing on monkey bars there and listens to her teacher to learn more. 

- Movie Forms were sent home and due tomorrow
- NO school for New Brighton Students on Friday

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Terrific Tuesday

The students started their day by showing how many ways they can represent a given number.
This sheet will be sent home for you to see. This sheet also shows the letters that they can recognize and the letters that they know the sounds of.

More or Less
Through problem solving we are looking at the concept of "more or less"
Today students were challenged to solve this problem:

Cookie monster can only eat cookies that have 5 or more chocolate chips.
Can you make a cookie that has MORE than 5 and LESS than 5.

We practised various versions of the problem together before the students independently completed the problem in their visual journal. 
They cut out cookies and then represented the chocolate chips with paint. 
Next, each student had to tell what cookie Cookie Monster would want and why.

Rock Stars of the Day

James belongs to the Beavers community. He shared all about his badges - he has to do jobs, learn something new or go to a new place to earn a badge. He loves everything about Beavers!
Farzana loves to skate in our community - right beside our school at our community center!! She loves skating around and playing on her skates with her friend!

Tomorrow is Pink Shirt Day - we will be looking at ways that we can be kind or show kindness. What are some ways that you can think of being kind at home?
- School Movie Night forms were sent home today - they are due Feb 28th - first come first served
- A letter was sent home today explaining the field trip in May that the Kinder students will be going on.
On May 21st the AM students will be going on an all day field trip to Telus Spark.
On May 20th the PM students will be going on an all day field trip to Telus Spark.
We wanted to give you lots of notice due to the change in schedule for the kids.
The field trip forms will be sent home closer to the dates of the field trip. 
Friday there is NO school for New Brighton Students

Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday Monday

What a snowy Monday!

Students started their day off with new learning tables. This week they focus on:
- Journal Writing - drawing and labeling their pictures
- More or Less - matching number quantities and determining which amounts are more or less than a given number
- Number Pairs for #8
- Matching numbers to color words

Both the AM and PM Kinders had gym today where they worked on their throwing to a target skills.

Representing Number 8

We continued our number investigation and worked on representing number 8 today.
How many different ways can we represent a number?
- 10 frame
- Numberline
- 2 different colors (number pairs - ex: to make number 8 there could be 3 reds and 5 white)
- Loose parts
- Numerals
- Fingers
- Tally lines

The AM students completed their diorama for their chosen animal. We did a vote today and they voted to keep their dioramas secret until you see them at conferences at the end of march. I will tell you that they look AMAZING and the students worked very hard at adding details to it.
PM students will be completing theirs on Thursday.

Rock Stars of the Day (Friday and today)

Jaxon's community is his boxing community. He goes to boxing with his Dad. He said they also have to follow rules when there. He likes to kick things the most.

Evan's community is his soccer community. His Mom was also the coach and she helped to teach them.
One of Elijah's communities that he belongs to is his gymnastics community. He likes doing everything that his teacher teaches him there. 

- Wednesday is Pink Shirt Day - we will be looking at ways that we can be kind or show kindness - what are some ways that you can think of at home?
- Friday there is NO school for New Brighton Students
- There will be a letter sent home tomorrow explaining the field trip in May that the Kinder students will be going on.
On May 21st the AM students will be going on an all day field trip to Telus Spark.
On May 20th the PM students will be going on an all day field trip to Telus Spark.
We wanted to give you lots of notice due to the change in schedule for the kids.
The field trip forms will be sent home closer to the dates of the field trip. 

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Terrific Thursday! It was a busy busy day today. The students completed a math task and started working on their habitat dioramas.

Representing Number 7
Today we continued out investigation into number 7 and looked at how many ways we can make 7 using 2-sided counters. Students independently dumped 7 counters on the table and recorded all the different number pairs.

Habitat Creation
Today we started our habitats for our animals. Each student chose an animal that they will be the expert on! We will continue working on this throughout the week. We will also be creating an informational booklet using our learning knowledge about the animals habitat, food, appearance and an interesting fact.

Rock Stars of the Day (today and yesterday)

Almira's community is her gymnastics community.

Doris' community is our classroom and our school.
Amreen is part of the soccer community in New Brighton
- Tomorrow is AM Kinders
- Next Friday Feb 28th there is NO school for New Brighton Students

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Happy 100 Days of Kindergarten!! 

Today we celebrated 100 days of learning! 

Today we looked at what 100 looks like:
- on 10 frames
- when counting out loud
- on a number line
- with blocks

What do you think you will be doing, eating, playing, seeing, living ... when you are 100?!

  • Felix: When I am 100 years old I will eat soft food because I will have no teeth
  • Kieran: When I am 100 years old I will eat old people food
  • Lee: When I am 100 years old I will eat soft food
  • Evan: When I am 100 years old I will live in a hotel and eat some food
  • Zoe: When I am 100 years old I will visit people and play with them
  • Almira: When I am 100 years old I will eat ice cream
  • James: When I am 100 years old I will work at the construction site
  • Sophia: When I am 100 years old I will be living in an apartment with my auntie
  • Owen: When I am 100 years old I will be working at James' construction site
  • Vivian: When I am 100 years old I will go to the seniors home and eat Vietnamese food
  • Adrian: When I am 100 years old I will....
  • Avianna: When I am 100 years old be with my mom and my dad and playing with my brother
  • Kayleigh: When I am 100 years old I will watch TV
  • Kylie: When I am 100 years old I will play on the IPAD like my Grandma plays on her's and I will watch TV
  • Jaxon: When I am 100 years old I will live in a hotel and have fun with my old friends. We will relax and watch TV
  • Dante: When I am 100 years old I will go ice skating and I wont break my back
  • Ellis: When I am 100 years old I will live in a hotel and play lots and lots of games

Wow, 100 days of learning sure took a toll on us ;)

Our AM Senior Kindergarten Class 

Our PM Senior Kindergarten Class

  • Benjamin When I am 100 years old I will be doing nothing
  • Logan: When I am 100 years old I will be chilling on the couch watching TV
  • Jackson: When I am 100 years old I will be doing nothing because I wont want to do anything
  • Emma: When I am 100 years old I will be knitting and living in Nanny Ville and I will eat cheese sandwiches
  • Izakai: When I am 100 years old I will be sitting and watching TV
  • Amreen: When I am 100 years old I will just walk around my house and not do much
  • Alister: When I am 100 years old I will eat sandwiches 
  • Ava: When I am 100 years old I will play with Jackson and visit my Mom
  • Kaiya: When I am 100 years old I might sleep in a rainbow bed and do nothing
  • Roman: When I am 100 years I will watch TV and I will eat Cheese sandwhiches
  • Elijah: When I am 100 years old I do not know what I will like
  • Blakely: When I am 100 years old I will chillax on my bed
  • Andrew: When I am 100 years old I will rest on the couch and sleep ALL day long and ALL night and just watch TV
  • Doris: When I am 100 years old I will watch Frozen 1 and Frozen II and when I watch TV I will eat my food on my bed so I have a nice eating spot and then I will rest
  • Jaden:When I am 100 years old I will live with my grandpa and we will eat meat together
  • Jager: When I am 100 years old I will just spent my days watching Octonauts and then when I go upstairs I will be like,  "oh no, where is my bed??" and I my neighbours will be my family
  • Farzana: When I am 100 years old ... I dont even know what I will do
  • Ayla: When I am 100 years old I will watch TV and eat chips go to bed
  • Viana: When I am 100 years old I will eat crackers when I wake up

When I am 100 years old I just want to be happy and healthy!
("Mrs. Taylor your face looks like my Mom's Halloween costume" ... Haha!)

- Friday is AM Kinders
- No school Feb 28th for New Brighton Students


Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...