Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Wonderful - extremely cold - Wednesday!

The students continued working through their learning tables as they entered this morning and afternoon.

The AM Kinders had both gym and music this morning.

Can you build a snake that is LONGER and one that is SHORTER than your log?

Students were challenged to pick a "log" and build two snakes for their log. Next, their compared their snakes to their peers to see if they would fit in their logs or not.
Challenge: with this cold, cold weather ... what snake would be warmest in the log? The longer one or the shorter one? Why?

There were great discussions around the challenge question as students decide whether or not the longer or shorter snake would be warmest in their log. Ask your child what they decided would be best to keep the snake warm.

Rock Stars of the Day

Thank you Zoe for sharing your favourite Peppa pig story. Zoe's favourite story was about Peppa and her family going grocery shopping and buying a chocolate cake that was not on their shopping list.

- Friday is PJ Day for PM Kinders
- Please send in a labeled shoe box with your child when one comes available - by the end of January would be perfect!
- Jan. 31st - no school for New Brighton students (non-instructional day)

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...