Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Representing Numbers: 2
Today the students looked at various ways that we can represent number 2. We also brainstormed things in our world that only come in 2 or pairs.

We represented number 2 by:
- circling it on a number line
- representing it on a hand by coloring the correct amount of fingers
- representing it on a 10 frame
- drawing the correct amount of tally marks
- printing the number 2
- spelling the word "two"
We also figured out what numbers make 2 ... 1+1

Rock Stars of the Day

James said he loves pigs which is why this is his favourite book. His favourite part is when Daddy Pig falls in the mud pile and splashes everyone.

Jager said that this is his favourite book and that everything about it is his favourite.

Subitize video that some of the students requested to watch at home:

Letter Rr
Have fun teaching letter Rr
Jolly Phonics Rr

**Question ... How do you get your child to-and-from school?

Family Travel Survey: Please fill out this quick survey in Survey Monkey so that we can help to understand how the majority of families currently travel to-and-from school: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K6TYN3B

- Please send in a labeled shoe box with your child
- Friday is PJ Day for PM Kinders
- Jan. 31st - no school for New Brighton students (non-instructional day)

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...