Thursday, January 9, 2020

Tomorrow is PJ day for AM Kinders.
Next Friday is PJ day for PM Kinders in Mrs. Taylor's class.

Bear Research
Today we put on our researcher hats and started investigating bears! First, we wrote down all that we wondered about bears.

AM Wonders

PM Wonders

To answer our questions we watched a few informational clips about bears appearance, habitat, food, and interesting facts about them.
Ask your child what they learned about each of those categories!

Much like researchers, we needed to record the information that we learned. In our visual journals we made visual notes about the bears appearance, habitat, food and an interesting fact - that they hibernate all winter!

 visual research notes

We learned new facts and words today: habitat, hibernate, research

We will be following this same routine each week as we learn about a new animal in preparation for our group research projects.

Shoe boxes needed! 
When we complete our animal research each student will be creating a habitat diorama - could you please send in a labeled shoebox with your child to help us with this project.

Rock Stars of the Day

Vivian brought in her favourite book Good Night, I love you. This is her favourite book because it was the first book that she ever got! Her favourite part is when they are splashing in the bath tub and her bunny and teddy and peeking in.

Roman brought in the book In My Heart.  Roman said that his mom always reads it to him which is why it is his favourite. His favourite feeling is when his heart is happy.
After reading this book as a class, we all shared what our heart was feeling.

**Reminder: Tomorrow is AM Kinders and it is PJ day. We will be walking to visit our Kindergarten tree so please ensure that your child is dresses for the weather.

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...