Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Decade Day

Today was SO Rad! 

Dressing as our favourite decade was the school "theme" for today and we did our best to dress as our favourite year!

Check out these wicked Kinders!

The AM Kinders had gym/music today.

Today the students worked on a writing task that they are familiar with. Our job today was to choose one of the animals that we have been learning about and to draw everything they know about it and add labels - focusing on the beginning and ending sounds. They all did so well with this job!
It is helpful to continue to review letter sounds at home as well :)

- No school on Friday for New Brighton Students
- Shoe boxes are still needed
- Valentines Day is coming up. If you wish to participate: there are 18 students in the AM and 20 students in the PM. Please address the cards "To My Friend" 

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...