Monday, January 27, 2020

Representing Number 4

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the nice weather!

We started our morning/afternoon off with learning tables:
- labeling a porcupine
- letter Ww
- categorizing heavy/light items and placing them on the correct side of a scale
- color by number - copying environmental print and using a color code sheet to determine the colors needed

Today both the AM and PM Kinders had gym - we are now working on a new skill - ask your child what we are learning in gym now!

Representing number 4

We worked on #4 today!

  • How many ways can we show 4 using 2 colors? using 3 colors? 
  • How many ways can I represent 4 with pictures? 
  • Can I show 4 on a 10 frame? 
  • Can I show 4 on a number line? 
  • How many tally lines do I need to draw?
  • What in the world only comes in 4?

Rock Star of the Day

** Wednesday is dress as your favourite decade or dress all in your favourite color 
(sorry, the day of the week changed from Thursday to Wednesday)
- Friday is a PD Day -  no school
- If you have not done so already,  could you please send in a shoebox by the end of next week - thank you so much for your help with this project.
- Valenties Day - when address cards please say "To My Friend" from _____. Unfortunately no food or candy is allowed.

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...