Thursday, January 30, 2020


Happy Thursday!

*reminder - there is no school tomorrow for New Brighton students

Rock Stars of the Day form yesterday and today




Porcupine Research

Today the AM and PM Kinders completed their porcupine research. They followed a directed drawing and then learned about the porcupines habitat, food, and special characteristics from a website called PebbleGo (it is through learnalberta). 

Ask your child what they learned about the porcupine? What did we notice about the porcupines food compared to a bear and hare? are they the same or different?
How does a porcupine defend itself if it feels frightened?

- No school on Friday for New Brighton Students
- Shoe boxes are still needed
- Valentines Day is coming up. If you wish to participate: there are 18 students in the AM and 20 students in the PM. Please address the valentines day cards "To My Friend" 
- February 12th is an 11:45am dismissal for AM students and NO school for PM students
- No school February 13-17 (teachers convention and family day). Classes resume Feb. 18th

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...