Friday, November 8, 2019

We started our morning with free choice learning tables. Ask your child what table they went to and what they did at that table.

Remembrance Day Assembly
This morning we had a our school wide Remembrance Day Assembly. The Kinders we respectful and quite throughout the assembly - they did an amazing job!
The Kinder's really enjoyed listening to the Grade 3/4 choir sing throughout the assembly. It was a beautiful assembly.

Show Me, Don't Tell Me

We learned a new math game today. It is called "Show Me, Don't Tell Me" 

We first learned what a Ten Frame is and how we use it. We learned that we always fill the top row first. Ask me how many boxes are on a ten frame and how many are on the top and bottom.

We then played it as a group before we added it to our centers.

New Centers

During center time today the students were introduced to two new centers.
1 - a number hunt
2 - alphabet splat
3 - Show Me, Don't Tell Me
*ask you child what we do at these new centers

loose parts story telling
number hunt

"Show me, Don't tell me"

Alphabet Splat
Pumpkin Seed Investigation. Our pumpkin seeds are sprouting! Students looked closely and drew what they saw.

- No school on Monday
- our NEW round of Rock Stars start on Monday. Please ensure that the form is filled out and returned so that we can add it to our class quit. 
*please refer to the schedule that was sent home this week as to when your child's special day is.

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...