Thursday, November 7, 2019

A poppy is to remember

In preparation for remembrance day, we spent some time today discussing the significance of the poppy and we read the book "A Poppy is to Remember."
Tomorrow the AM Kinder's will be attending our school Remembrance Day Assembly

We then created a simple yet beautiful piece of poppy art work to display in our classroom.

Afterwards, we did a small drawing task. We talked about what our favourite center is and then reenacted what it looks like at that center and then focused on what the background looks like when playing at that center. Ask your child what they drew.

The AM Kinder's task was to draw a picture of what it looks like outside of our classroom window. This task was a little tricky for us and we feel like we should revisit it again.

Thank you for the Food Bank donations that continue to come in! The Kinder's have filled more than 2 boxes for the Veterans Food Bank already - that's a lot of food!

- AM Kinders tomorrow

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...