Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Veterans Food Drive

Thank you for all the families who continue to bring in food for our Veterans Food Drive! Today, both the AM and PM Kinders sorted and then graphed the amount of each item that we have so far. 
We sorted the items by boxes, cans, bags and other. 

We will continue to add to our graph as the items come in ... we are predicting that we might need to extend our graph!

Today we started our day by all doing the same learning table. 
Today's challenge was to create a pattern that you have never created before!

Here are what the students came up with:

Today we also spent some time practicing counting up to 10 and down from 10. We are also being challenged to count up to 10 and down from 10 starting at random numbers like 3 or 7.

- tomorrow is CRAAAZY hair day!
- Friday is AM Kindergarten
- Remembrance Day Celebration will be on Friday 

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...