Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Happy Tuesday everyone! Hello snow....

Background Detail

We continued looking at backgrounds today and how adding detail to our backgrounds helps to tell the story of your picture.

Both the AM and PM students drew another fall background today focusing on adding detail. The students have been working really hard at ensuring that their background is fully colored, that the colors make sense, that their people are of appropriate color and that they can speak to what they have drawn.

After they finished their drawing they were given feedback on an area that they could go back and fix/add with their drawing.

Our feed back for the next little while is focusing on background detail, appropriate color and being on topic. Once they received their feedback, the students went back to their work and applied the feedback given.

Tomorrow we will be talking about how to make sure that our picture is a WOW picture - stay tuned!

We ended our day with a fun little subitizing game. 
Subitizing is recognizing a number at a glance. This is something that can easily be practiced at home with a dice. Roll the dice and have your child tell you, without counting, what the number is. If their strategy is to count the dots, a next step would be for them to begin to recognize the amount right away.

Before the students left for the day we spent some quiet time thinking about this...

- Veterans Food Bank Donations are still being accepted
- Class Pictures and Retakes tomorrow
- Crazy Hair day Thursday

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...