Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tuesday - I am Thankful for my Family and Leaf Patterns

Brrrr what a chilly Tuesday!

Rock Stars of the Day!

Kieran shared his Buzz Lightyear toy with us today!
Lyla brought in Princess P. She is a Dr Barbie who helps people! She is her favourite because she has nice hair.

With Thanksgiving coming up this weekend, we have started a discussion around what we are thankful for. Students shared with the class what they are thankful for and the one thing that came up the most was their family. Our family is so important to us and it is something that we will always be the most thankful for - sometimes our families look different.

We read "The Family Book" by Todd Parr and discussed how one persons family might look different than another persons family.

Here is a link to the book if you could like to read it again tonight. Click Here.

AM Kinders We are thankful for...

  • Zoe: I am Thankful for going out for dinner with my whole family my Dad and my Mom and my Nanny and my Papa, oh and my sister
  • Blaire: I am Thankful for my platypus
  • Kayleigh: I am Thankful for my mom and my dad
  • Kylie: I am Thankful that my friends play wth me
  • Avianna: I am Thankful my mom and dad becuase I can go for bike rides with them
  • Owen: I am Thankful for my Mom taking me to Mcdonalds to eat
  • Kieran: I am Thankful that my parents took me to LOL play place
  • Jaxon: I am Thankful that Mom and Dad take me to the park to play
  • James: I am Thankful for my Mom
  • Ellis: I am Thankful for toothless and everything that my Mom has
  • Evan: I am Thankful for my Mom and Dad and my sister
  • Almira: I am Thankful for cats
  • Vivian: I am Thankful for giving flowers to my Mom
  • Dante: I am Thankful for my Mom and watering her plants for her
  • Felix: I am Thankful for Canada

AM Kinders amazing "Todd Parr Inspired Family Portrait"

PM Kinders
Today the PM Kinders put their pattern skills to the test and were challenged to create 3 different patterns using fall leaves.

Here are some of the patterns that they came up with.

What kind of patterns can I made at home?

PM Kinders also had gym and music today - ask your child what they learned in gym and music today!

*On Tuesdays and Wednesdays the AM and PM Kinders alternate their jobs depending on who has gym/music that day

  • No school for New Brighton students on Friday Oct. 11th
  • No school on Monday Oct. 14th 
  • Picture Day is Oct. 16th

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...