Thursday, October 3, 2019

I am unique

Rock Stars of the day:


Ellis shared his love of Toothless the dragon with us today! He said he loves to sleep with him but he always makes noise.

Blakely loves figure skating! Blakely said she is proud of herself and the medals/ribbons that she has won!

In Kindergarten we continue to investigate where patters live! Today we noticed that many of our clothes have patterns on them! We decided to make patterns using ourselves!

We made these patters below - with your child, can you figure out what our patterns are? Write them down with your child and bring them to Mrs. Taylor tomorrow!

AM Kinder

AM Kinder

PM Kinder

I am unique

In our Kindergarten classes we have been looking at what makes us unique.  Today we looked closely at our unique facial features. We looked at our eyes - what shape and color are they? - we looked at our nose and how it is in line with our ears - we looked at the shape of our nose compared to our friends - we looked at our hair and the color and style of it.
After we took the time to closely look at our features we then drew our self portraits.

Can you find your child? Ask them to show you which one is theres and describe it to you - their eye color, hair color and skin color.

AM Kindergarten Class
PM Kindergarten Class


  • Friday is PM Kinders 8:10am - 11:45am 
  • Picture Day Oct. 16th 

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...