Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Longer/Shorter and Letter T .... Movie Night

Rock Stars of the Day

Sophia! We didnt get your picture so tomorrow we will have Sophia's lovely picture on the blog!
Sophia brought in a stuffed dog that her Mom gave her. She likes to watch youtube and sleep with her stuffed dog!

Ava shared with us her love of ballet and jazz. She told us all about what she wears to both ballet and jazz and what she learns when she is at dance. Many of her classmates made connections with her as they also dance or like to watch dance.

Through our Rock Star of the Day the students are learning the difference between asking a question and saying a comment. We are also learning what it means to make a connection with someone.

Letter T
The AM Kinders learned how to print the upper and lower case letter T today. Ask your child what sound the letter Tt makes and what 2 items they drew that start with Tt.
The jolly phonics song can he found here - fast forward to 5:20 for letter Tt
We worked so hard at this job today - ask your child what they drew.

We are working on taking our time and drawing and coloring neatly. 

When we are doing any writing and drawing task these are the steps that we follow:
1. Draw
2. Label (sometimes we will be copying print and other times we will be "kid spelling" or a mix of both)
3. Color

AM Kinders also had gym and music - ask your child what new game they learned in gym and what they did in music today.

Longer or Shorter
PM Kinders worked on comparing two objects based on their length - is it longer or shorter. Using the letters in their name, students made a "name tower" and compared their name to their friends. Students were asked to tell how many letters are in their friends name and if their name is longer or shorter than their friends.
Ask your child to tell you about their friends name - is it longer or shorter than theirs?

One of our learning table jobs is to create as many different patterns are you can. We have been creating ABAB patterns and some of us have even been creating ABBA/ABCABC patterns.
We have been wondering .... Where do patters live in our world? Can you find patterns in our home? In your bedroom? Outside? In our food?

You've got mail...
New Brighton School is having a movie night! Students came home with a blue form for our school's upcoming movie night. Tickets are "first come first served" so send back your form ASAP  if you would like to go!

  • Friday: PM Kinders
  • Picture Day: October 16th
  • Movie Night

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...