Friday, October 4, 2019

PM : Fall Trees

Happy Friday!!

Rock Star of the day!

Ayla shared a very special book with us - a book that her Mom made her and her brothers so that they can always remember their amazing Grandma. Ayla shared with us that her Grandma was a lot of fun and liked to chase and play with her when she was little

Learning Tables
We started our morning with our learning tables. The students had free choice today.

Fall Tree Art
Students looked closely at a picture of our Kindergarten Tree. Students discussed the colors and shapes that they could see. Next, we learned to sketch the tree using straight lines and a letter Y to create the branches of the tree.

Look at these amazing trees! Great work Kinders!

Happy (belated) Birthday Elijah!
We hope that you have so much fun at your birthday party today!

Thank you to the students who brought in the answer to our pattern picture! 
I wonder what other patterns or numbers you will discover this weekend?
  • No school Friday Oct 11th for New Brighton Students
  • Picture Day is Oct 16th

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...