Thursday, October 17, 2019

Representing number groups

Happy Thursday!

Rock Stars of the Day:

Zoe shared with us her Donkey named Donut that her Nanny and Papa gave to her! She likes to sleep with him and take him places.

Jaden shared his Eeyore that he got when he was very little! He said that he got it in another place and brought it here.

I can represent a given set of numbers.
Our learning task today was math related - can you represent a group of 3,5,6,8.
The Kinders were challenged to represent a set of numbers in their visual journals. We worked with this set of numbers last week at our learning tables so the student felt confident in their abilities to represent these groups.

First we spent some time practice printing the numbers 1-10.
We use these funny little poems to help us remember how to form the letters.
We are now feeling more confident in printing our numbers!

We decided to change up our medium and use finger painting to represent the groups. We first had to print the number and then represent it with the correct amount of dots.

AM Kinders only had a little bit of time left and they could either do shorter centres time or have some time outside.
So we voted! 
What do you think we ended up doing?

PM Kinders spent some time in centers.

** On Friday the AM Kinders will be walking to the playground. Please ensure that they are dressed appropriately for the weather.

  • Scholastic Orders due Oct. 24th
  • October 31st - early dismissal and AM Kinders only attend and dress up if they want
  • October 30th - PM Kinders dress up for Halloween if they want

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...