Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Letter H / Needs vs Wants

Happy Wednesday!

My oh my! Everyone looked so spiffy today for picture day! 

Rock Stars of the Day

James shared with us his love of swimming and beaves and his stuffed animal named Porkey that his mom found for him.

Viana shared with us a ghost that she painted with her Dad. She said that they are going to hang it on her door at home because they do not have a good tree to use.

AM Kinders
This morning was a busy one for the AM kiddos as they had pictures, gym, music AND did a learning task!
Gym was outside today - ask your child what game they played outside!

Letter H
Top down, top down, across the middle
First we learned how to print the letter Hh and then brainstormed all the things that start with H. We had fun trying to help Mrs. Taylor draw a horse...we think that she needs more practise ;)

Have Fun Learning Letter H song
Storybots Letter H song
Jolly Phonics Letter H song

Ask your child what 3 things they chose to draw. Some of us are starting to work on our "kidspelling' when labeling. When kid spelling we write the sounds that we hear. For example, some of us spelled hockey stick as "hoce stk" or "hok stk" which is AMAZING!

PM Kinders
The PM kiddos also had a busy day today with two learning jobs. First we learned how to print the letter Hh and then brainstormed all the things that start with H. Mrs. Taylor learned from the morning class and looked at a picture of a horse first before attempting to draw it ;)

Letter H
Top down, top down, across the middle
Have Fun Learning Letter H song
Storybots Letter H song
Jolly Phonics Letter H song

Ask your child what 3 things they chose to draw. Some of us are starting to work on our kidspelling when labeling. When kid spelling we write the sounds that we hear. For example, some of us spelled hockey stick as "hoce stk" or "hoke stec" which is AMAZING!

Needs vs Wants
Today we started the discussion around what we NEED and what we WANT. The morning class did this job yesterday (Mrs. Taylor was away)

We talked about the different things that we need in our life to survive and then things that we didnt really need but we wanted to have for fun or enjoyment.

We did a quick smartboard sorting activity followed by some table work where the students cut and glued various items into a T chart.

What are some needs vs wants that you and your child can come up with at home tonight? We thought it would be a good conversation to start now that the Christmas season is upon us..

Scholastic Orders
We finally received our scholastic booklets - they were sent home today with our child. If you wish the order, they are due Oct. 24th. Instructions on how to order are on the front attached sheet.
If you have any questions please let me know.
Scholastic book orders usually go home every month or so.

Wonder Walk to the Park
** On Friday the AM Kinders will be going on a wonder walk to the park. Please make sure that they are dress appropriately for the weather. We will be heading to the park around 8:30am and will be back for snack and story around 10:00/10:30am.
*Wonder Walks focus on using our routine of: See. Think. Wonder. ...... "what do you see?" "what do you think?" "what do you wonder?"

Have a wonderful evening ... it is finally warm again!

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...