Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Longer or Shorter

Our Rock Star of the Day today was Kylie!

Kylie shared her "my little pony" that she made at build-a-bear for her birthday! She said she was the only one that got to make a pony - how lucky are you, Kylie!

We are working on comparing two objects based on their length - is it longer or shorter. Using the letters in their name, students made a "name tower" and compared their name to their friends. Students were asked to tell how many letters are in their friends name and if their name is longer or shorter than their friends.
Ask your child to tell you about their friends name - is it longer or shorter than theirs?
The AM Kinder's did this task today and the PM students will be doing it tomorrow.

Letter T
The PM Kinders learned how to print the upper and lower case letter T today. Ask your child what sound the letter Tt makes and what 2 items they drew that start with Tt.
The jolly phonics song can he found here - fast forward to 5:20 for letter Tt

Picture Day is coming!

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...