Monday, September 30, 2019

Every Child Matters

The Rock Stars of the Day have officially begun!

We started our morning off with Blaire being our Rock Star

Blaire shared her stuffed animal Wilma. Her mom gave her Wilma as a special treat one day! How special are you, Blaire!

In the afternoon, Jackson was our Rock Star!

Jackson shared his knowledge of Muay Thai with us! He even demonstrated the punches and kicks that he knows.
Students shared in Orange Shirt Day today. We watched a story called When We Were Alone and talked about how it would feel if we couldn't dress the way we wanted or wear our hair a certain way to school. We talk about how we are all different and how that is what makes us unique. What a boring world it would be if we were all the same! We talked about the different ways that we can learn about people in our class that are different than us - we can ask to learn more about what they are doing or something that they have that we do not, we can ask them to teach us what they are doing, we can ask to play with them and we can ask them their name if we forgot it.

Learning Tables
Students began their new learning tables for the week and will rotate through all of them by the end of the week. We are working on recognizing the numbers 1-5 and representing them by drawing the correct amount of dots and writing the corresponding numeral, we are sorting objects into groups, creating as many different patterns as we can and journaling our favourite thing to do or what we did the night or day before. At the journal table we are working on adding any letters that we know to tell the story of what we drew.

Winter Weather ... in Fall
On the days that we do not have gym we will be going outside for fresh air breaks. It is important that the students learn to independently dress themselves - snow pants, jacket, hats, boots then mitts. giving your child extra practise with zippers at home is very helpful.

The AM Kinders had a chance to visit the library today - how exciting! They can keep their books and return them in 1 week.
If your child still has their library books at home they can bring them back to return them. We will be going to the library once a week.

Have a great night!

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...