Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Best Part of Me

Rock Stars of the Day!

Evan shared with us his duck named Duckie that his Dad gave him for his birthday!

Farzana shared her doll named Ana that she loves to play with. She also took so much time to draw a very detailed picture of Ana.

In our kindergarten classes we have been examining what makes us unique individuals

Have a conversation with your child about being unique and special. 
What are your physical characteristics that make you a unique individual?  

The Best Part of Me
Students have been spending time over the past few weeks looking at what makes them unique and special. We look at our gifts and talents, our facial features, our family and now we are taking inspiration from the book "The Best Part of Me" by Wendy Ewald. After reading the book, students took some time to decide on their favourite feature and why it is their best part. Students shared with a friend and then shared with the class. 

AM Best Part of Me
  • Evan: My body is my best part because my body helps me stand
  • Jaxon: My ears are my favourite because I like to listen to rock and roll music
  • Almira:  My eyes because I look at somethings
  • Owen: My body is my favourite because my tummy hold my food
  • Dante: My hair is my favourite because I can style it
  • Ellis: My head is my favourite because I like to wear my toque
  • Kieran: My legs and my feet are my favourite because I can wiggle them and walk with them
  • Felix: My favourite is my arms because i can read and wrestle my dad
  • Adrian: My favourite is my eyes because they are brown
  • Lee: My favourite part is my eye because they are blue
  • Vivian: My hair is my favourite because I like to style my hair with my headbands
  • Zoe: My favourite part is my eyes because I can see everything and see my parents
  • Blaire: My hair is my favourite because it is a little bit of gold and a little bit of brown
  • Kayleigh: My hands are my favourite because I like to play basketball with them with my sissy
  • Kylie: My neck is my favourite becuase it holds my head and my food goes down into my body from my neck
  • Avianna: My arms are my favourite because I can reach things like my toys
  • James: My hands are my favourite because I can hold things like my food

PM Best Part of Me
  • Farzana: My feet are my favourite because I like to walk with my friends
  • Blakely: My hair is my favourite part of my body because I like pony tails
  • Jackson: My arms and my legs are my favourite because they help me to kick and punch is muay thai
  • Emma: My mouth is my favourite because I like to talk to make new friends
  • Andrew: My hands are my favourite because I can play with my toys
  • Izakai: My hands becuase I can make things with them
  • Doris: My hair is my favourite becuase my Mom makes it nice for me
  • Jaden: My eyes are my favourite because I love to see things like video games 
  • Lyla: My mouth is my favourite because then I can smile 
  • Logan: My hands and arms are my favourite because they help me when I go skiing in the winter
  • Roman: My hands are my favourite becuase I like to play super mario world 
  • Jager: My stomach is my favourite so there isn't food all over the place because its in my stomach
  • Alister: My favourite is my eyes because they help me see my mom and dad
  • Elijah: My ears are my favourite because they can hear my mom and dad
  • Viana: My neck is my favourite because it help hold my head and my body
  • Ayla: My eyes are my favourite because I can see my mom and dad and play 
  • Benjamin: My hands are my favourite because they help me eat vegetables
  • Kayia: My hair is my favourite because I braid it and put bows in it
  • Amreen: My nose is my favourite because I like to smell vegetables
  • Ava: My feet are my favourite because I can play soccer with them

Sharing how different characteristics make us special and unique is an important part of Kindergarten as we begin to see ourselves as not only a unique individual but also part of a community. 

We spent some time learning to draw ourselves using basic shapes. Learning to draw ourselves with all body parts is important in Kindergarten. It is a great idea to start any drawing with shapes. Practicing drawing with shapes and coloring in the lines is helpful to do at home too.

AM Wonderful Self Drawings

PM Wonderful Self Drawings


NO school Friday and NO school Monday.

Happy Thanksgiving!! 

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