Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Today both the AM and PM Kinder's had P.E with Miss. Nanavaty and the PM Kinder's had their first music class with Ms. Lysak - ask your child what they learned in both P.E and Music (PM Kinders).

We rotated through our learning tub job today so each student had a new job to do. One of the other jobs that we are working on during our learning tub time is using scissors correctly. If you wanted to practise cutting at home you can remind your child to keep their "chicken wing" tucked in and their thumbs to the sky. It also helps to hold and move the paper with your non cutting hand rather than moving your scissor.

Tomorrow we will be doing a learning task about what we love the most about Kindergarten.

Thank you to all the parents that return the demographic forms. Please return these as soon as possible.

Have a wonderful (rainy!) evening!

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...