Monday, September 9, 2019

Learning Tubs

Happy Monday! Today was the first "full" day of school for both the Morning and Afternoon Kinder's!

All the Kinder's had their first P.E (physical education) class today in the gym - ask them what game they learned! (hint: it has to do with a magic rock)

Learning Tubs:

Today we learned about and started our 4 new Learning Tubs. Right now we are investigating lines and how lines are used in our everyday life, in drawing, reading and writing!
We also learned a new poem about our name that we will continue to practise this week.

During our learning tub time we are practicing tracing the letters in our name, tracing over the lines and also using loose parts to cover the 4 different kinds of lines (zigzag, curly, straight and wavy).

At home, if you wanted to help your child with this weeks learning tubs you can practise writing your child's name and naming the letter in their name.
Other ways to learn the letters in the name: creating the letters out of play-dough/rocks/jewels, write and cut of the letters of their name - mix the letters up and have them put them in order and say the name of the letter, point out letters when reading aloud with them, rainbow name - they can write each letter of their name in a different color or using a fun writing utensil like a special pen or marker.

We ended our day with centers! Ask your child what center(s) they chose today.

Demographic Forms: today your child was sent home their demographic forms. There are TWO places to sign on these forms. Please read through, sign and return all forms as soon as possible.

Indoor Shoes: Please ensure that your child has a separate pair of indoor shoes for school. This is especially important now that fall and winter are approaching.
Please make sure that they are runners without tie up laces and that your child knows how to put them on/off. It is also helpful to label them and all of their belongings that they bring to school.

It was so lovely to meet all of you this morning and afternoon! 
I look forward to working with you throughout the year!
- Mrs. Taylor

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...