Thursday, September 12, 2019

Good Afternoon!

What a busy day today was! Both the AM and PM Kinders started their day off doing their last learning tub job. Ask your child what their job was today - was it tracing their name, cutting, following lines or just loose parts?

Our family helps us when we have a problem. 

We started a discussion looking at a variety of pictures and personally deciding how they made us feel. Once we decided, we either gave a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Some of the pictures were of: a wasp, the Dr, a splash park, a big dog, the playground. We talked about how they made us feel and recognized that some of us may feel "thumbs up" and some may feel "thumbs down" and that it was okay!
We then talked about the different people that we can go to in the classroom or the school if we need help or support with something.

All students agreed that if they were not at school they would go to someone in their family if they needed help.

We then drew a picture of ourselves with our family who makes us feel safe. Ask your child who they drew.

AM Kinder Families

PM Kinder Families

We are all excited about our new Lemonade Stand and I want to let everyone know that they will all have a turn at the Lemonade stand this coming week!

Important Information

Tomorrow the PM Kinders have school from 8:10am - 11:45am
No school for the AM Kinders

The Kinders alternate Fridays that they attend school. You can find the calendar on our school website or use the link below to access it and save it for future use.

Use this link to access the school calendar  --> 2019 - 2020 School Calendar

I hope everyone has a wonderful evening!
- Mrs. Taylor

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...