Monday, September 23, 2019

Names : How many letters are in your name

Happy Monday! Thank you parents for taking the time to meet with me last week!

We are continuing to investigate our name. It is really important that we can recognize our name and print our name. Whenever your child draws a picture at home, a helpful way to help them practise printing their name is by having them simply print their name on their picture -  this also makes it fun for them! Pointing out the letters in the name when reading a book is also helpful. They can rainbow print their name - they write each letter in a different color. Or, using playdou to form the letters of their name. Whatever is fun and helpful for them!
We are working really hard to be able to independently write our name at school - could you ask your child to write their name for you at home? Or can they recognize and be able to point out their name if you write it for them?

Name Towers
Today we wondered how many letters each person has in their name and how many people have the same amount of letters in their name. We guessed that most people have 5 or 6 letters in their name. 
To see if our guesses were correct, we first wrote out our name on a strip of paper with each letter of our name in a box. 
Next, we matched each letter of our name with a block. 
Last, we made our tower using the same number of blocks as letters in our name.

Here is what we learned:



Ask your child where they placed their name tower? How many letters are in their name? What are the letters in their name? 

Terry Fox Run
A message was sent out this evening to all parents regarding the Terry Fox run - due to rain and snow, the Terry Fox run will be rescheduled to this Wednesday morning.
AM students will run with the whole school in the morning.
PM students will run together in the afternoon with Mrs. Dennis, Miss. Nanavaty and myself. 

To support Terry's Run, our school will be collecting toonies for Terry. If you wish to donate you can send a toonie to school with your child and we will being them to the office. If you wish to donate more than $20.00there is a pledge form on Miss. Nanavaty's blog: that you can fill out for a tax receipt.

Blue Demographic/Consent Forms
This is the last week to hand these in. Please return them asap! Thank you!

Happy Birthday Avianna! 
We hope you had a wonderful weekend celebrating with your friends and family! 

(If we missed your child's birthday, or if your birthday is in the summer, we will do a big birthday in June)

Have a wonderful night!!

- Mrs. Taylor

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...