Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Today both the AM and PM students visited the library and took out 2 books! Our library is a shared space with a grade 1 class so we had to be extra quiet when looking for the perfect books to take out. The Kinders nailed it! Their books can be brought back to school in a week.

The students were all SO excited to bring their books home to read with their parents.

Here are some home reading tips for you to try when reading with your child:

  • Read the title and talk about the book cover
  • Tun the pages of the story and ask your child "What do you think the story will be about?"
  • Praise your child's predictions. "Great idea! You used the pictures to help you predict what might happen next!"
  • Be enthusiastic about reading the story together. "Lets read the story to see if any of our predictions were right!"
  • Throughout the story, read with your finger pointing under the words to draw their eyes to the words as well as the pictures.
  • Point our familiar words or letters.
  • Read only the pictures one time and then read it again, but read the words - do the pictures match what the words say? You can read a story by just reading the pictures! We are all readers!

Just a reminder that there is NO school for both AM and PM tomorrow and Friday.

Conferences: these conferences are a chance for you to tell us about your child. The students also have work in the hallway to show and explain to you - we have been discussing and investigating what a problem is and what we can do with a problem. 

I am looking so forward to meeting everyone tomorrow and Friday!

Have a great evening!

- Mrs. Taylor 

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...