Friday, September 6, 2019

Happy Friday!

Today the AM Kinder's had their first Friday at school and it was such a great day!

We started our day with a whole school assembly where Mr. Murphy (our Principal) talked to us about school rules and expectations. Mr. Murphy ended the assembly by reading us a book called "You be You". The book emphasized how important it is to recognize that we are all different and unique.

The Kinders did an AMAZING job in the assembly! They all sat criss-cross, their eyes were forward, their hands were in their laps and they all listened attentively to what Mr. Murphy had to say.

After our assembly, all the Kinders went outside for a fresh air break followed by snack and a story. Afterwards we spent time in centers - ask your child what center(s) they did today!

*On Monday, parents are invited to come in and see their child's classroom prior to us starting our day. Monday is a regular school day and the students will be in their set class now.

I am looking so forward to seeing all my amazing Kindergarteners on Monday! 
Welcome to my class! 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

- Mrs. Taylor

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...