Friday, September 13, 2019

Happy Friday!

Today the PM Kinder's had their first Friday morning at school! We started our morning off with some mindfulness. Mrs. Taylor introduced the students to a new book that we will be using throughout the year called "Breathe like a bear." It is full of different mindful moments for us to do prior to starting our day and just before we go home.

Our art today was creating "rainbow names" - ask your child how they did this to their name. What 4 colors did they choose?

Fire Drill - this morning we had our first fire drill and the Kinders nailed it! Woo hoo!!
They quietly lined up and walked silently in a line following the teacher out to the school muster point. We will have more drills throughout the year and we are all confident that we know exactly what to do now for the next one!

Parent Conferences: Please remember to book your conference - they are this coming Thursday and Friday. If you are having troubles booking it please let me know and I will do my best to help!
You can book using this link:

Have a great weekend!

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...