Friday, September 27, 2019

Happy Friday!

We started our day off with some "noisy reading." Students are encouraged to "look closely" when reading and sometimes find that using our magnifying glasses or our special reading glasses. They were also reminded that "we are all readers" and that by reading the pictures of the story we are still "reading." Students chose to read alone or with a friend.

Kindergarten Tree Art : Fall
Students looked closely at a picture of our Kindergarten Tree. Students discussed the colors and shapes that they could see. Next, we learned to sketch the tree using straight lines and a letter Y to create the branches of the tree.

Orange Shirt Day
On Monday September 30th we will be honouring children of residential schools by wearing an orange shirt. In Kindergarten will be making sure that all children feel welcome, knows that they belong in our classroom and that we treat one another with kindness.

Image result for every child matters

Stay warm this weekend!

- Mrs. Taylor

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...