Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Terrific Tuesday!

All of the Kinder's had such a great day today! Both the AM and PM Kinders were able to start their animal books that they will be sharing over conferences.

We are working SO hard at writing the dominant sounds that we hear when writing our labels.
Some things that help us write the dominant letter sounds are:

  • saying the word really slowly and writing the first sound we hear, the next sound we hear, and the next...
  • Counting how many sounds we hear on our fingers and writing them down (for example if we are writing feet ... we might say it slowly and count on our fingers ... ffff eeeee tttttt ... we hear 3 sounds so we would write "fet"
  • Writing the first letter sound that we hear
  • Writing any dominant letter sound that we hear
Ask you child to show you which one is theirs and what strategy they used to write their labels



Rock Stars of the Day!

Avianna shared all about her Dance and Greek community this morning. She shared what she loves to do in dance - practising balancing and jumping! - and what she learned in her Greek school - the alphabet and poems! Avianna shared a video of her dancing and one of her reciting a poem in Greek! It was really neat to see and hear her speaking another language!

The sequencing cards that Avianna made to help her remember what she wanted to say in her Rock Star presentation

Logan shared all about his Soccer Community. Logan loves to practise his skills so that he can get better. Logan said his favourite skill is dribbling. Logan was very excited to share his love of soccer - which is evident in his big smile in his soccer picture.

Assessment - Sent home
An assessment was sent home yesterday (AM) and today (PM) showcasing how many letters, letter sounds and numbers your child can recognize/represent/know.

At this time of the year we are wanting each child to be able to label at least a dominant letter sound - in order to do this it is very beneficial that they know most/all of the letters and their corresponding sounds.
We are also expecting them to be able to recognize and represent numbers 1-10 in a variety of ways.

If you have any questions about this assessment please do not hesitate to contact me: kaytaylor@cbe.ab.ca

- Family Movie night tickets went home today, however, there are still a handful of tickets left if you would like to attend still
- Friday is PM Kinders

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...