Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Happy Teeth

Healthy Teeth
Today both the AM and PM Kinders had a special presntation ... Dr. Pan from Mahogany Village Dental taught the Kinders all about healthy and happy teeth.

We learned about the foods that keep your teeth healthy and happy - what are some of those foods? :)

We also learned about the foods that make your teeth sad and sometimes make sugar bugs - can you name some of those foods? :(

The AM Kinders had a super busy morning with a presentation, gym and music!

Animal Food
After our presentation in the PM we worked on labeling the Food part of our animal book - again, we focused on saying the word slowly and writing the letter sounds that we heard.

Blaire is part of the Sparks community. Blaire shared the song that they sing when they arrive and leave. She also shared the Sparks promise. Blaire made a picture sequencing card, just like Avianna.

Andrew is a part of many sport communities. In hockey Andrew practises skills such as c-cuts, bubbles, V starts, and back checking. Andrew is excited to join a baseball community in the summer.

Kaiya is part of a swimming community. She shared her report cards with us and told us the skills that she needed to do to pass the level - back glides, front glides, front floats where you have to make bubbles. She love going into the hot tub after swimming!

Center fun from this week...

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...