Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Welcome back!

Happy Tuesday after a very long weekend! It sounds like everyone had a great weekend with their families!

Today we continued our number investigation and looked at all the ways to make number 7!
As a class we chose 2 colors and a 10 frame - we then brainstormed all the ways that we can represent 7 using those two colors.
Students then completed the page in the math notebook to represent 7.

New Round of Rock Stars
We are onto our next round of Rock Stars. The following letter and schedule was sent home last week with your child.

**Edit: Roman will present on March 6th and Blakely will present on March 18th

Rock Stars of the Day

Today Kieran and Lyla were our Rock Stars - both of them brought in their soccer jerseys and shared with their peers why they like to play soccer and where they play it in New Brighton.

*Woo Hoo! Tomorrow is the 100th Day of School! Time sure flies when you're having fun!!

- Friday is AM Kinders
- NO School for New Brighton Students on Feb. 28th

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...