Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Wonderful Wednesday!

AM Kinders
The students had both gym and music this morning.
After we worked on completing a task that will be sent home tomorrow.

The students were challenged to find 2 things in our classroom to help move to Mrs. Hellyer's classroom when we switch centers next week. They were challenged to find one item that was too heavy for them to help move and another that was light enough that they could move it. Students were encouraged to justify their answer as to why they could/could not move the item.
*this will be sent home tomorrow

PM Kinders

We have been working on using direct comparison to compare two objects based on a single attribute. We will continue to use longer and shorter/taller and are now looking at weight as well.
Today we brainstormed items that are heavier and items that are lighter than us.
Students then completed a sheet where they represented their understanding of items that are heavier and lighter than themselves.

Next, we worked on the same challenge as the morning Kinders.
The students were challenged to find 2 things in our classroom to help move to Mrs. Hellyer's classroom when we switch centers next week. They were challenged to find one item that was too heavy for them to help move and another that was light enough that they could move it. Students were encouraged to justify their answer as to why they could/could not move the item.
*this will be sent home tomorrow

Rock Stars of the Day

Blaire loves that this book is all about the ways that we love "more than"!

Kaiya's favourite story was Stephanie's ponytail.

- Please send in a shoe box with your child for an upcoming project where they will be creating the environment/habitat of their chosen research animal
- Friday is AM Kinders and we will be going for a wonder walk so please ensure they are dressed appropriately 
- Next Thursday is Spirit day: Dress as your favourite decade!

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...