Tuesday, January 21, 2020


AM Kinders

We have been working on using direct comparison to compare two objects based on a single attribute. We will continue to use longer and shorter/taller and are now looking at weight as well.
Today we brainstormed items that are heavier and items that are lighter than us.
Students then completed a sheet where they represented their understanding of items that are heavier and lighter than themselves.

PM Kinders
We started our afternoon with gym/music.

Representing numbers: 3
This afternoon we looked at all the ways that we can show and make 3 .- ask your child to show you how they can represent 3.

Winter Scene
Students have been working on drawing and labeling. Yesterday the students completed an assessment based on their ability to both draw and label a winter scene. Students had access to learning tools that included picture/word cards, environmental print and alphabet strips. Students were asked to draw a winter scene and label it using winter words. Using our rubric, I was able to assess their drawing.
Please find the completed work and rubric in your child's backpack today.
*AM's will be coming home tomorrow

Rock Stars

- Friday is AM Kinders - we will be going on a Wonder Walk so please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather
- Please send in a shoe box

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...