Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Welcome back everyone!

It sounds like everyone had a wonderful break with their families - each student had something exciting to share with the class about their break!

This morning the Kinders learned about letter Ee. We learned how to print the upper and lower casae letter and then brainstormed words/items/objects/people that start with letter Ee.
The students are used to our alphabet printing routine and did really well getting back into the swing of things.

After our printing we had a sharing circle where we were all excited to share about our break. We then decided that we would do a journal entry about something that we did over the break. We did both similar and different things - playing hockey, ice skating, playing with our new toys, going to the movie theatre, sledding, playing with our cousins, watching movies with our family.

We worked hard on this journal entry and remembered our labeling and backgrounds. Afterwards we had snack, story and center time - we switched the centers and now have new centers in our room! Ask your child what they are! If they didn't get a chance to play at them today they will have a chance over the next month and a bit as they aren't going anywhere soon and often evolve overtime.

This afternoon the Kinders came in and completed their work on letter Ee before getting ready for gym and music. Ask your child what new skill they learned in both gym and music!

Representing Numbers
How many ways can we represent a number? We began our investigation into numbers this afternoon starting with number 1.
We brainstormed things in our world that there is only 1 of : our head, the moon, the sun, each planet, our mouth, us, nose...

Next, we represented the number in a variety of ways:

Afterwards we had snack, story and center time - we switched the centers and now have new centers in our room! Ask your child what they are! If they didn't get a chance to play at them today they will have a chance over the next month and a bit as they aren't going anywhere soon and often evolve overtime.

*New* Rock Star of the Day starting tomorrow!

We are now ready to start our next round of Rock Stars! This round we will be focusing on literacy and our favorite book.
A letter and new schedule was sent home today (AM's will be sent home tomorrow)

AM Rock Star Calendar

PM Rock Star Calendar

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...