Wednesday, November 13, 2019

World Kindness Day

In celebration of World Kindness Day the Kindergarten students started their day by greeting their friends and sharing ways that they are kind to others.
We watched ta nice video about how one little act of kindness inspires others to spread the kindness

What does it mean to be KIND?

Evan : Being nice to people.
Kylie: Staying still and not hurting anybody.
Blaire: Not saying mean words.
Ellis: Being nice to somebody or one of your friends.
Lee: No kicking people.
Jaxon: We don't scratch anyone and we don't say mean words and not being really close to them. We need to be in our own space.
Dante: You don't poke anyone but let people play.
Felix: We can share our toys with people then they would feel good.

Emma: Kindness is something where you like do something for someone or say something nice to them and maybe give them hugs if they feel.
Andrew: One time I said Jackson is awesome and I like him and I think it made him feel good.
Jaden: On Mothers Day we can hang them on our fridge so everyone can see them. My mom likes flowers.
Ayla: You can help your mom and dad if they need something.
Izakai: Some stuff that you like doing or doing stuff with your friends.
Roman: When Lucas was trying to kick me and I said be kind and I wanted him to get away from me.
Kaiya: On mommy's birthday I made her bathroom with flowers and we gave her a new bath bomb and it made her feel good.
Jager: Every single time at home I say i love you to my mom and I give her hugs.
Jackson: When somebody sad play with them because that is being kind.
Benjamin: Being kind means giving hugs.
Logan: You can be nice and help your mom.
Viana: When I go to my gym with my Dad he works out and then the teacher in the gym gave me a sticker and she gave it to me because I was being good.
Blakely: Kindness means that you can read to some.
Lyla: Doing your chores.
Ava: if somebody is sad you can give them a hug.
Elijah: My auntie brought me to get a haircut and it made me feel happy.
Doris: My mom likes to give me candy and I can be good to her and listen to her.

Rock Stars of the Day

WOW! I am so impressed with how prepared our Rock Stars are! We are all really enjoying learning about each others heritage, name and family tradition(s)!



Today the AM Kinders had both PE and Music.

Veterans Food Bank
As our donations continue to come in we are working on drawing how we have helped to solve the problem of not enough food. We reflected on what we did to help solve this problem and even noticed in the news that the Veterans Food Bank has been receiving so many donations!

We took our time today to break down our drawing.
We have been spending time on background and how it helps to tell the story and on how adding details helps with the context of the picture.

Today we just drew ourselves holding a food item to be donated. Tomorrow we will draw the background and share with you what our final product looks like!

** Volunteers Needed November 26th 
Please email me if you are interested in helping out with our Food Impact presentation for either the AM or the PM. We are hoping to have 2 volunteers for every Kindergarten class.
Volunteers will be helping to prep the food (cutting etc) and helping students make their healthy pita.
Thank you so much for helping make this possible!

- PM Kinders on Friday
- Veterans Food Bank donations will be accepted until Friday

Fun Links:
- subitizing to 5 with Jack Hartman
- Have Fun Learning Alphabet Song 

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...