Monday, November 18, 2019


Happy Monday Everyone!

Today we discussed what a "prediction" is. We talked about how it is making a guess, but it is not just any kind of guess, it is a guess that makes sense!

We then predicted what we think that the book "The Box" by Axel Janssens is about. We talked about what we could see.
- a sign with an arrow on it
- a boy in thebox
- holes on the box

We wondered why he was in the box?

Next, we read the first 2 pages of the book and then we predicted what might happen and drew what we predicted in our visual journal.

What is going to happen next?? Why is Kenny in the box?? What is the rest of the story going to be about?

AM Predictions that they drew:
  • Blaire: I think that he is giving away toys to the whole school
  • Avianna: I think he is going to say sorry - the one in the box will say sorry
  • Jaxon: He is in the box because the other boy bumped him and the boy on the box got angry
  • Owen: He is going to say sorry because he crashed into his bike in the box
  • Felix: I think that he is going to get ou of the box and ask him "do you want to come in"
  • Kieran: He is in the box and then he came out and he said sorry
  • Dante: He is in the box. He fell over
  • Kayleigh: I think that he is going to come out of the box and say sorry
  • Kylie: He is going to pop out to help the boy and then he will move the box
  • Evan: I think that he is going to find something in the box .. maybe a toy or something
  • Almira: A box to crash
  • Vivian: I think what is going to happen is that he is in the box because there are toys in there
  • Ellis: I do not know - he bumps into the box, Leo does
  • Zoe: The boy that fell and the boy in the box - he tells his Mom what happened
  • Adrian: This is the box and the boy is on his bike
  • James: I think that it is going to rain because the clouds are getting darker

PM Predictions that they drew:

  • Andrew: The kid is in the box and then a man trips over the box
  • Viana: Maybe he is on the clouds and then he fell down onto the floor
  • Alister: He is going to get out of the box
  • Benjamin: I think that he will stay in the box and he is hiding something
  • Jaden: I think that he lives in the sky but he fell down and Leo did not know this so he cried and then a girl helped him and put a rainbow on him
  • Izakai: He is hiding in the box and two people are trying to sit in it
  • Andrew: The kid is in the box and then a man trips on the box
  • Farzana: The boy will stand up and get out of the box and run away
  • Emma: I think that the boy stands up, Leo, and he knows that something is wrong. Kenny has blueberries in the box.
  • Jager: I think there will be a snake in the box
  • Doris: He might have a funny leg
  • Lyla: He trips him over bby purpose and then he gets very mad and stands up and tips him over and says "how does that feel?"
  • Kaiya: He is in the box and only with the boy who fell off the bike and everyone else is gone
  • Roman: Next he is going to be in the box and then he will get out and keep doing that. He is eating a snack in the box.
  • Blakely: I think that here is a clock tower and the boy in the box likes to go in there to read a book
  • Elijah: I do not know what is going to happen
  • Amreen: The boy will cry because the girl and the boy fell
  • Ayla: I think Leo is going to kick him and Kenny yelled. He is playing in the box
  • Jackson: He lied that he hit the box and they will say sorry
  • Logan: He is saying that this is not just a box, it is an ordinary but special box

Next, we will be finishing the book and doing a task. We will continue working on predicting what a book is about and what might happen next. This is also something that can easily be done anytime that you are reading a book with your child. 

We have now covered 7 letters in class. It is important that the students continue practicing these letters and their sounds. 

Letters that we have done so far in class:
  • Ll
  • Ii
  • Tt
  • Hh
  • Ff
  • Cc
  • Oo

You can review the letter identification and sounds on jollyphonics/Have Fun Learning/Storybots, practice identifying items that start with that letter, and looking for those letters when reading aloud or when out and about.

Both the AM and PM Kinders went to the library today - we go every Monday.
Both the AM and PM Kinders had gym today - ask your child what new skill did they learn?

FoodImpact forms when home today.
Please return these forms and the $4.00 as soon as possible.
**If you are available to volunteer for either the AM or the PM session please email me at

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...