Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Letter F / How can I help

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday!

Rock Stars of the Day

Avianna shared her pretty unicorn with us. She said her Godmother gave it to her after her ballet recital. Many students made connections with both her unicorn and her love of ballet.
Amreen shared her doll Liya with us today. Amreen takes her everywhere with her - even to the store with her mom. Lots of her friend made connections with bringing their dolls out to do errands.

AM Kinders
This afternoon after gym we worked on Letter Ff.
What 3 things did you child choose to draw?
What sound does letter /f/ make?

We had so much FUN today coming up with words that start with /f/ ... it was Ffffffantastic!

Storybots letter F
Have Fun Teaching Letter F

PM Kinders
After gym and music we worked in our journals before snack and centers.

How can I help someone how doesn't have enough food?
Last week we spent some time looking at the difference between a want and a need.
Today, students were asked how they could help someone how didn't have enough food.
We discussed how we might feel if we didn't have enough food. Would we feel happy and ready to learn at school? Would we feel sad because our tummy was sore? Would we be tired?
Students then came up with different ways that they could help someone who does not have enough food.

We could:
- buy them some food
- share our food/snack with them
- invite them over to our house for lunch or dinner
- go to the store with them and buy them food
- give them food

Students then drew in their notebooks what they would do to help someone who does not have enough food.

New Centers - they are such a hit!
Woo hoo, we have new centers!

Big doll house
Alphabet Hunt

We will be doing a variety of pumpkin explorations next week and are SO excited! 
If you would like to donate a pumpkin to our class it would be greatly appreciated! 
Any size, color, shape or texture is welcome! 

  • Scholastic Orders due Oct. 24th
  • October 30th - PM Kinders can dress up for Halloween or can wear their pajamas
  • October 31st - early dismissal at 11:45am for AM Kinders only. AM Kinders may dress up if they want or wear their pajamas.

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...