Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Wonderful Wednesday!

This morning/afternoon the students started their day practising printing letter Nn and the sound it makes.

AM Kinders had both gym and music this afternoon.
We explored different ways that we can determine if something is heavy or light ... just looking at it doesn't always work!

Animal Research
In preparation for their animal research project, the PM Kinders reviewed all 5 of the animals that we have studied and then picked their favourite animal.
Next, they drew and labeled everything that they know about the animal - where it lives, what it eats, and what makes it unique.

We are working realllllly hard on our labels! We are using our knowledge and understanding of letters and their sounds to write the beginning, and even the beginning/middle/end sounds that we hear!

Looking for something to work on at home:
- Draw and label their pictures
- Pick random letters of the alphabet and practise their sound
- Practise printing different letters
- Go on a letter hunt throughout the house/when out and about
- Make grocery lists together focusing on writing the beginning sound and/or beginning/middle/ending sounds that they hear

Heavy and Light Home Challenge!
Can you find something at home that is heavy and something that is light? How can you show with your body which one is heavy and which one is light??
Send Mrs Taylor a picture of what you found and we will share with the class!

Winter Walk Day
Today is Winter Walk to school day! We had  students in the AM walk to school with their parents and  students in the afternoon walk to school.

Rock Stars of the Day 



- Shoe boxes are still needed - if you happen to have any extras at home we would love them!

- Valentines Day is coming up. If you wish to participate:
18 students in the AM
20 students in the PM.
Please address the valentines day cards "To My Friend" 
This is a great opportunity for your child to practise writing their name. We have been working on only capitalizing the first letter of their name.
PM Kinders will be handing them out on Tuesday Feb 11th
AM Kinders will be handing them out on Wednesday Feb 12th
**Unfortunately we are not allowed to bring in chocolates, candy etc (CBE policy)

February 12th is an 11:45am dismissal for AM students and NO school for PM students

No school February 13-17 (teachers convention and family day). Classes resume Feb. 18th

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...