Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Wonderful Wednesday!

This morning the AM Kinders had gym.
PM Kinders visited the library this afternoon

AM: Winter Clothing
Informational Text - ask your child if they can tell you what an informational text is.

Today the students created an Information Text about winter wear.

We reviewed letter sounds today through drawing ourselves in our winter clothes and used environmental print to label them.
Together we drew a student in their winter clothes on chart paper and then together labeled the items with the beginning sounds.
Next, students were asked to draw themselves in their winter clothes.
Students were then encouraged to add labels by either writing the beginning sound they heard or by coping environmental print.

PM: Measurement
This morning we reviewed our measurement task from yesterday -  "____ is taller/shorter than____" and how we can prove that this is true (by measuring with block and says how many blocks taller/shorter they/it is)
Today's task was for the students to draw a tree and a house on their page. Next they had to measure, using the block cut out on the side of the page, to find out which one was taller and which was shorter. They then recored their findings.

Challenge: The students were then challenged to prove if their tree would fit in their house.
Ask you child what their solution was. What did they use to prove they knew it would/wouldn't fit?

Rock Stars of the Day

  • Friday is AM Kinders
  • Report Cards are sent home Monday December 16th
  • Wednesday December 18th is the last day of school for AM and PM Kinders before the break.
  • Conferences are Thursday December 19th (8:15am - 6:45pm) and Friday December 20th (8:15am - 11:45am)
  • Classes resume January 7th

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...