Monday, December 9, 2019

Taller or Shorter

Good Afternoon!

The students started their day off with new learning table jobs. They will rotate through all the tables as the week goes on.

This weeks tables focus on:
- Letter Jj - ask your child what /Jj/ says and what items/objects/people start with that sound/letter. This is a great thing to practice at home with all the letters in that alphabet.
- Drawing and Labeling - drawing themselves in their winter clothes and labeling by coping the print AND kid-spelling (stretching their chosen word and writting the dominant letter sounds that they hear)
- Measuring
- Subitizing

Non-Standard Measurement: Taller or Shorter
Today the students continued their work with non-stardard measurement. To warm our brains up we first compared two students at a time and practiced saying "_____ is taller than ____" or "____ is shorter than____"

Next, working with partners the students practiced measuring trees and using the math language "taller or shorter than___"

First one student drew 2 trees - each a different height
Then, the other student had to prove which tree was shorter and which tree was taller. 
To do this they measured each tree and said which was taller/shorter and by how many blocks.

Fire Drill
Today the AM Kinders experiences their first fire drill. They stoped what they were doing, lined up and quietly and quickly walked outside following the teacher. Students learned that the most important thing to do when there is a fire drill is to stop what they are doing and to get out of the school quickly.

Rock Stars of the Day

  • Friday is AM Kinders
  • Report Cards are sent home Monday December 16th
  • Wednesday December 18th is the last day of school for AM and PM Kinders before the break.
  • Conferences are Thursday December 19th (8:15am - 6:45pm) and Friday December 20th (8:15am - 11:45am)
  • Classes resume January 7th

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...