Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Letter Qq / The Box / Jersey Day tomorrow

Happy Wednesday!

We started our morning / afternoon with a sharing circle about what we think we are really good at ... what our talent is. Students first thought to themselves about what they love to do or what they are really good at, they then shared with a peer and then we shared as a group.

I am really good at...


  • Kayleigh: I am really good at making puzzles. I like to do mermaid, fairy and minion puzzles.
  • Zoe: I am really good at staying in the lines when I am painting. I like to paint flowers, minions and cupcakes.
  • Kylie: I am really good at helping my mom and dad do stuff and counting pepperonis for freezing after we make pizza.
  • Blaire: I am really good at sewing on buttons on fabric. Daddy knew that me and my sister really liked to sew on buttons so after school he got sewing stuff and fabrics and buttons for us to sew.
  • Vivian: I am really good at making notebooks out of paper and then I write in them. I write my name and my last name and my middle name, my moms name, my dads, and my grandma and grandmas names.
  • Adrian: I am really good at puzzles. Picachu puzzles.
  • Lee: I am really good at opening presents because I like to.
  • Ellis: I am really good at being a ninja and sneaking around in the closet.
  • James: I am really good at running, I really like racing.
  • Felix: I am really good at back flipping because I go on a trampoline and backflip. I am also really good at drawing hailstorms and monster trucks.
  • Owen: I am really good at making cakes. I make cakes with mommy. I like making chocolate and vanilla cakes. I put cream on them.
  • Evan: I am really good at ripping my bayblades and building lego. I like to build cars and houses and I like to follow the instructions.
  • Kieran: I am really at doing puzzles with my family.
  • Jaxon: I am really good at sports, like football. I like to play football with my Dad, we pass the ball.
  • Almira: I am really good at drawing.
  • Dante: I am really good at making puzzles. I need to find the right pieces and where they go.
  • Avianna: I am really good at painting. I like to paint rainbows.


  • Kaiya: I am really good coloring and drawing outlines. I like to draw background to tell the story.
  • Alister: I am really good painting. I like to paint myself by making body parts, toes, legs, neck, tummy, head, ears, eyes, nose, mouth.
  • Andrew: I am really good at lego. I can build a lego car or a lego boat without instructions. My brother can build some of lego without instructions too.
  • Jackson: I am really good at skipping monkey because I have been practicing.
  • Emma: I am really good at reading books and sounding out the letters and coloring in the lines.
  • Viana: I am really good making playdoh with my dad and we make different colors with it.
  • Benjamin: I am really good at building lego. I am good at building cars.
  • Ayla: I am really good ice skating and coloring. I think I am the best at ice skating.
  • Izakai: I am really good at making lego because I can make cars  and my mom helps me with the instructions.
  • Jager: I am really good at tobogganing. I think this wooden one that I have will do a good job.
  • Elijah: I am really good at sledding. I do not hit anything or anyone.
  • Blakely: I am really good drawing a puppy. My hello kitty is the shape and then I made the same shape and then drew the rest of body.
  • Amreen: I am really good at making a car with paint.
  • Farzana: I am really good at taking care of my baby brother by playing with him.
  • Roman: I am really good at making lego towers and I am very good at making a city and then I build a rocket but I do not know how to build lego cars.
  • Doris: I am really good at painting things for people. I made my sister a painting of a phone.
  • Lyla: I am really good at folding laundry for my momma.
  • Logan: I am really good at making my bed. I can make it in 1 second.
  • Jaden: I am really good at climbing things. I like to climb frozen things and I like to play at the park.

AM Kinders
We started our morning with gym and music. When we returned from gym/music we got right to work with letter Qq. Ask your child what Letter Q says ... /kw/

Jack Hartman Letter Q

The letters that we have covered in class so far are: L, I, H, T, F, C, O, P
We are following the Printing Like a Pro order for learning how to print the letters.

It is important that your child continues to practise their letters and letter sounds. It helps if this is something fun for them: singing alphabet songs, going on letter hunt (around your house or when reading), labeling their drawings using copied print or by writing the dominant sounds that they hear, pointing out letters, familiar letters or familiar words when reading aloud, pointing out letters in signs, making lists...

PM Kinders:
This afternoon the PM Kinders continued the work that we started on Monday with The Box.
Today we reviewed what a prediction means - a guess that makes sense! We then reviewed what our predictions were about what was going to happen next in the book before reading the book.

Wow! We did not expect the box to take Kenny on so many adventures!

The students were then challenged to think ... if they had a box what would their box be?

pikachu, a rocketship, hot air balloon

a car, a boat, a person

a unicorn, a ta pick up truck, a butterfly

a house, a car, a girl in a car with boat windows

a boat, a car, a boat

a bus and a robot

a basketball hoop and a truck unloading boxes

Rock Stars of the day:

Jersey Day: Tomorrow is JERSEY DAY so come dressed in your favourite teams jersey, your own sport teams jersey or a shirt with your favourite team on it

Food Impact: Please return your childs permission form ASAP. 
* We are still looking for volunteers to help out in the AM 8:10am - 11:00am and the PM 12:15pm - 3:10pm

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...