Monday, November 25, 2019

Letter Gg

Happy Monday everyone!

Today both the AM and PM Kinders had P.E. - ask your child what new skill they worked on today.

Both AM and PM students visited the library today. Monday's are our library day so it is helpful for your child to bring their book back before or on Monday.

On Monday's we have new Learning Table Jobs. 

This week the students are focusing on:

- representing numbers
- what are healthy foods
- alphabet mazes/letter recognition - focusing on the letters we have covered so far in class (L,T,I,H,F,C,O,P,Q)

Letter Gg

Today the students learned how to print the upper and lower case Gg and what sound it makes. Together we brainstormed different words that started with the sound Gg - ask your child what two items/objects they drew.

We are really practicing keeping our letters ON the line - no floating letters - and starting our letters ALWAYS at the top.

Have Fun Teaching letter Gg
Jack Hartman Gg

Rock Stars of the day

Wow, the Kinders are nailing their Rock Star presentations! We all love listening and learning about each others backgrounds.

Tomorrow the students have an in class field trip - we are so excited for our Food Impact Presentation. 
*** If you have not returned your child's form PLEASE return it tomorrow.

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...