Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thursday! What a chilly week it has been!

This morning, after our learning tables, we read Grumpy Bird and talked about how the birds mood changed as his friends joined him and he started to forget about being grumpy. We them shared some ideas about what we do when we are feeling grumpy..

"Sometimes you just have to cry and let it all out and then you feel better"
"I like to go in my room and snuggle my blankies"
"when I am grumpy I hug my stuffy"
"I take deep breaths"
"I stay in my room and let my energy go by sitting in my monkey chair"
"Go for a walk or go in my room alone"
"Take a nap"
"When I came to school I got happy"

My Parfait
In the morning we reflected on our FoodImpact presentation. Tuesday the students shared a healthy snack of a yogurt parfait. Items to choose to make their parfait were mango, blueberries, bananas, granola made with wow butter, peaches. Trying new food combinations was exciting! The parfaits look delicious. Our Kinders were very eager to try the fruit bar which was sugar free and contained many servings of fruits. Everyone had a great time!

We talked about the healthy foods that we learned about. We learned that:
- healthy foods give you energy to run and run
- healthy foods are all fruits and vegetables and whole grains
- Healthy foods keep you from getting sick a lot
- healthy foods help you grow strong muscles

We then drew and labeled our own parfaits that we made tuesday.

Loose Parts Story Telling Center
This center encourages students to create, build and tell their own stories using loose parts.
Lately we have had an interest in students stories being recorded and shared with the class.

Here are some from today:

This afternoon we read a passage from our Breathe like a Bear book.

Taller and Shorter
The PM Knders completed another length task. We have been working on comparing items - are they TALLER or are they SHORTER.

Today's task involved the students drawing a snowman in the middle of their page and then drawing and labeling a snowman that was TALLER and a snowman that was SHORTER than the one in the middle. We are really starting to understand this concept!

Rock Stars of the Day

- Tomorrow is AM Kinders
- We are still collecting items for Warm Feet on The Street

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...