Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Halloween for PM Kinders

Spooky Wednesday!

Our Rock Stars today were



Alister! He shared with us his Buzz who he said is his favourite from Toy Story. Alister likkes Buzz the most because he has a lazer!

This morning the AM Kinders were busy with both gym and music and then centers.

PM Kinders dressed up today in their amazing Halloween costumes today! Look at our spooky class!

*I am sorry but I can not figure out how to rotate it*

We made a spoooooky pumpkin patch

Pumpkin Investigation
"ooooh it's slimy and cold and slippery!!" - these were the words that most students said as they worked together to dig out the seeds and pulp from inside of our pumpkin.
Our five senses were working on overdrive this afternoon:
"it smells so yuckie"
"ew that is so strong"
"yum I like it!"
"Oh I like pumpkin pie!"
"I wouldnt eat this! yuck"
*dont worry - no pumpkin was consumed in this investigation*
"It is round"
"it is orange"
"It is so smoooooth"
"Oh I like it. It's like bumps in the road"
"I can hear you scrapping the sides of the it!"

We made predictions about how tall the pumpkin was ... turns out we were close and it was 13 blocks high.

We then all took turns taking out some seeds and pulp together!
It was so much fun! Thank you Izakai for the pumpkin!

School Pictures were sent home yesterday and are due Nov. 5th to order online or via the order form.

Tomorrow is AM Kinders only - 8:10-11:45am (Friday Dismissal Times) - Halloween Day at school for them!

Have a wonderful night!

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Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...